Monday 2 April 2012


1)Wilton Master Tips Set (编号:B004)


规格:包括52 个裱花嘴,两个裱花嘴转换器和两个3.2cm的花钉(9号)。

Wilton's Master tip set includes 52 metal decorating tips. Decorate sheet cakes, petit fours, muffins, cookies and more using this master tip set. The decorating tips you'll need are housed in this plastic storage case. The master tip set includes these tips: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 22, 24, 27, 30, 31, 32, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 54, 59, 61, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, 78, 96, 97, 98, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, 108, 109, 123, 124, 129, 134, 136, 195, 199 and 2C. It also includes two standard tip couplers and two 1.25-in. flower nails (#9).

2) The Bread Baker's Apprentice: Mastering the Art of Extraordinary Bread (编号:B005)


A bread baker, like any true artisan or craftsman, must have the power to control outcomes," says Peter Reinhart, author of The Bread Baker's Apprentice. "Mastery comes with practice." As in many arts, you must know and understand the rules before you can break them. Reinhart encourages you to learn the science of bread making, but to never forget that vision and experimentation, not formulas, make transcendent loaves. The Bread Baker's Apprentice is broken into three sections. The first is an amusing tale of Reinhart's visit to France and his discovery of pain à l'ancienne, a cold-fermented baguette. The second section comprises a tutorial of bread-making basics and Reinhart's "Twelve Stages of Bread." And finally, the recipes: Ciabatta, Pane Siciliano, Potato Rosemary Bread, New York Deli Rye, Kaiser Rolls, and Brioche, to name a few. All recipes include bread profiles and ingredient percentages. Reimagined for modern bakers, these mouthwatering classic recipes are bound to inspire. --Dana Van Nest

3) Chocolate Deserts by Pierre Herme(编号:B006)

Since Pierre Hermé is probably the best pastry chef in the world, and chocolate the best dessert flavor, it's no surprise that this stellar combination, presented in Chocolate Desserts by Pierre Hermé is dazzling. Hermé's beautiful recipes are written by Dorie Greenspan, who also worked with him on his award-winning Desserts by Pierre Hermé, and the resulting creations are photographed as works of art by Jean-Louis Block-Laine.
Although Hermé is best known for his multilayered extravaganzas, this collection was written and tested for American home kitchens. So while there are a few mind-boggling, taste-bud-stretching experiences like Plaisir Sucre (hazelnut dacquoise, milk chocolate ganache, milk chocolate whipped cream, sheets of tempered milk chocolate, and a crunchy chocolate praline spread), most of the recipes are more than manageable, and just as scrumptious. Lacy Coffee-Cocoa Nougatine Cookies are crisp and delicate and extremely flavorful. The Chocolate Macaroons are the perfectly smooth, ganache-filled ones you see all over Paris, and with Hermé and Greenspan to walk you through the steps, the best results are guaranteed. Pistachio Waffles with Chocolate Cream are crispy outside and moist and tender inside, and the combination of hot and cold makes them even more memorable. Chocolate Rice Pudding is far from old-fashioned, and while it makes a delectable stand-alone dessert, Hermé suggests making it part of a truly grand dessert: his Pear and Fresh Mint Tempura with Chocolate Rice Pudding is an amazing combination of flavors, textures, and temperatures.
In recipes for everything from Hot Chocolate to Bittersweet Chocolate Sorbet, from Moist and Nutty Brownies to the legendary chocolate caramel extravaganza the Faubourg Pave, readers will benefit from Hermé's 25 years of experience, his limitless creativity, and his obvious passion for his profession. This volume is destined to become a classic. --Leora Y. Bloom

这项优惠将在这个星期四,5th April 2012结束。有兴趣的朋友请在优惠结束前下订单。商品要在四月尾才能寄出。所有询问和有兴趣购买的朋友可以通过部落格帖子或电邮 ( 留言。

付款方式可以经由Public Bank 或 Paypal。 确认下单后我会电邮银行或paypal 的资料给你。

西马和东马的邮费一律rm7,7kg以下,过后每多1kg加付rm1.50(Pos Malaysia 的普通包裹邮寄服务)。有兴趣购买的国外朋友请先让我确定邮费后才下订单。谢谢!!

Baker's Secret Bakeware有兴趣的朋友也欢迎跟以上商品一起订购,可以选则一起邮寄,比较节省邮费。


Saturday 24 March 2012

Baker's Secret Bakeware - 小买卖

1) Baker's Secret Non-Stick Medium Loaf Pan (编号:B001)
规格:21cm X 11cm X 6.1cm 
数量:1 个
说明:美国品牌,non-stick ,easy clean up,metal spatula safe and dishwasher safe.

2) Baker's Secret Non-Stick 12 Cupcake/Tart Pan (编号:B002)
杯的规格:7cm (上面的直径)X 2.5cm
模的规格:26.5cm X 35cm X 2.5cm
数量:1 个
说明:美国品牌,non-stick, unbeatable release, metal spatula safe and dishwasher safe.

3) Baker's Secret Non-Stick Air-insulated Medium Cookie Pan (编号:B003)

规格:39cm X 26cm X 3.3cm
数量:1 个
说明:美国品牌,non-stick, air pocket reduces burning, easy release and dishwasher safe.

所有询问和有兴趣购买的朋友可以通过部落格帖子或电邮( 留言。由于商品有限,先到先得,敬请原谅。

付款方式可以经由Public Bank 或 Paypal。 确认下单后我会电邮银行或paypal 的资料给你。

西马和东马的邮费一律rm7(Pos Malaysia 的普通包裹邮寄服务)。 有兴趣购买的国外朋友请先让我确定邮费后才下订单。谢谢!!

Friday 16 March 2012


最近做的包,拿的还是Y3K-蒸面包的食谱。把里头的有机黑豆粉改成有机豆奶粉。可能是黑豆粉和豆奶粉的吸水量不同,面团很湿,根本不能揉成团。我多加了一大汤匙的包粉才把面团揉成三光。开头的时候面团会很湿,多揉一会就会开始成团。内馅用回Carol老师的奶黄馅。我上回做南瓜奶黄包时,用过这个配方。不同的是这回我去掉那颗咸蛋黄,多加10g的parmesan cheese powder来取代。自己比较喜欢这样的奶黄馅,比较香,也比较好吃。

1) 既溶酵母 - 2tsp
2) 鲜奶 - 130ml

1) 包粉 - 170g (我多加1大汤匙的包粉)
2) 有机豆奶粉 - 50g
3) 糖粉 - 30g
4) 白油 - 20g





1) 包粉 - 150g
2) 即溶酵母 - 2g
3) 白糖 - 35g
4) 泡打粉 - 2g
5) 白油 - 13g
6) 水 - 60ml
7) 绿茶粉 - 1/2tsp



Monday 5 March 2012

绿茶麦芬 Green Tea Muffin




绿茶麦芬 (可做九粒Muffin)

1)茶包 - 4个
2)牛奶 - 50g
3)蛋 - 2粒
4)白糖 - 120g
5)植物油 - 100g
6)低筋面粉 - 200g
7)泡打粉 - 2 tsp


我把吃不完的麦芬放入冰箱,要吃的时候蒸热就可以了。没写错,是蒸热,不是用烤箱或是微波炉, 呵呵~~


Saturday 18 February 2012

巧克力薄荷千层蛋糕 (Chocolate Mint Layer Cake)

停博两个月,理由还是很堂皇。。先是老公出门公干,带走我们的情人,后来就回乡过年,放了一个很长的假, 整三个星期。没有网络的日子,只差没跟蜘蛛侠擦肩而过。回家后,排山倒海的琐碎事,做到我每每夜深人静的片刻,都会自问‘这样的日子还要过多久?’

这是放完年假后老公要求的蛋糕。他很少要求我做什么(咳咳,我是指吃的。。)所以开了口我肯定是乐于接旨。食谱是拿这里,材料减半,少许更改。更改的部分是我用Anges Chocolate Mint来取代薄荷香精和烘焙巧克力,青色素也省略。少了青色,蛋糕会比较没有薄荷的feel,但口感还是不错滴。


1)奶油 - 240g
2)白糖 - 50g

3)蛋 - 5粒
4)炼奶 - 195g

5)自发粉 - 85g (我用84g 面粉+ 3/4 tsp 泡打粉代替。)

6)Anges Chocolate Mint - 一盒,约132g  (座溶)
7)可可粉 - 1-2 tbsp

3)分次拌入(fold in) 自发粉。
5)6 x 6寸的四方模抹油,底部垫烘焙纸。用中小火一层层的蒸熟,每层蒸大约5分钟。蒸好后再多蒸15分钟就可以了。 


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